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AQUA4BABY 2024  Terms and Conditions

Booking Your Place

Payment for New Swimmers must be received with your enrolment form prior to the commencement of the course. We will only issue enrolment forms once we are sure there is place available.

Payment is for a 6 week block at £55 and blocks discussed closer to 37 weeks, only on reaching 37 weeks can you pay weekly at £12 per class. 

Prices of the classes can go at any time.

If you are new and joining us payment is due before you enter the water.

Refunds/Credits All Payments are non-refundable.

(if under exceptional circumstances a discretionary refund is agreed there will be an administration charge applied of £11, to cover empty swim space, extra admin involved and advertising to fill the space.)

Places are offered on a first come first served basis, giving priority to those already enrolled and attending our classes.

Re-Enrolments Your space is yours as long as you wish. You will be asked first before releasing your space to new starters.


Holidays/sickness we are not able to offer reductions in the course costs due to members’ holidays or sickness.  (Please advise holiday dates before starting). The whole course must be paid by the payment due date. We do not offer carry overs.

Sickness Please do not let swim if anyone in your family / friends or yourself are showing signs of Covid-19, If you have been advised to rest on medical grounds not to swim for a long period, or is hospitalised, please contact me to let me know as soon as possible to discuss the situation.

Eating on the premises We ask for no food to be brought into the pool premises, as crumbs encourage wildlife to come in and reduces the risk of allergies issues.  This is a Pool rule from the owners of the pool. Unless indigestion aids like Tums, Rennie or Gaviscon then please bring as long not in a glass bottle.


Attendance I like to know if anyone is unable to attend for any reason, so as not to await your arrival. Please try to contact us in this event.  A text or email is probably easiest for all parties as we are likely to be driving or setting up for classes. Jan Phelps 07919 414 494; with your name and reason.


Pool closures On rare occasions lessons are cancelled.  If any lesson is cancelled, due to pool issues we will endeavour to reschedule the class for a later date if possible or start the term the following week. No refunds are given under any circumstances. When we Text, Email, What’s app, Facebook we do appreciate a reply, but if we don’t get one we presume you have the message, if you never receive any message please check we have your correct details as this is not our responsibly to keep asking.

Safety is at all times our paramount concern.  However, Aqua4baby will not be liable for any loss, damage or injury that may occur whilst on school premises.


Lost Property cannot be taken home due so will be put in our outside storage shed that is ventilated, kept for one month only before going to charity.


Poolside observers NO Poolside observers this is an all-female class with pregnant women who have come to relax not be watched. Partners are welcome to use Morrisons to pass the hour if driving you


Showering All people entering the water must shower first.


Outdoor shoes please take off on entering, before walking passed the showers and I will show you wear to put and what area to put back on.


Photography No photography this includes use of mobile phone cameras, is permitted unless consent is requested and obtained from ALL participating parents/guardians at each and every class. Aqua4baby may from time to time wish to take photos for business use, your consent is on the booking form or if existing customer will be agreement to take and use the photographs. So please if you wish not to be in a photo to state on booking form.


Hair Long hair must be tied back, or a swimming hat worn.


Talc and deodorant Sprays or body sprays – please do not use on either location’s, we have people that are asthmatic and it sets their chronic asthma off.


Spectators – this is no Spectator class, unless for a college student which I sometimes have to get onto the midwife lead courses, but this would be discussed in advance.


Parking: Newlands Spring there is plenty of street parking available, but we ask that all members park respectfully of the school neighbours, observing the highway code for dropped kerbs etc.


Complaints/Questions If you have any complaints or questions at all about our lessons, please talk to me as soon as possible via email to even if you are concerned about someone health or wellbeing or in person at Poolside.


GDPR – I do not hand your details to anyone else without your written permission and once you have finished your classes with me your details are shredding after 28 days of your due date.

Terms and Conditions can be updated time to time to fall in with new legislations.

Updated 1 January 2024

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