Welcome to Aqua4baby please have a good look at the site and use the contact teacher when ready to book or ask a question, i also have an Instagram page and Facebook page Aqua4baby
looking forward to hearing from you
Tuesday and Thursday nights are awaiting for you to have your me time whilst pregnant.
Owner of Aqua4baby since 2009
Bond with baby, through gentle exercise and relaxation through floatation whilst being pregnant !
Classes will be re opening 14th and 16th Thursday 2025
The classes are a:
Chance to meet mums-to-be and discover information from each other and make new friends on your journey to be a mum.
Chance to get Physical and Emotional support through your pregnancy (Please read list below).
Chance to do gentle Exercises are based around you as a mum-to-be and can be altered for individual needs such as SPD and back pains and the classes are recommended by the Physiotherapy department in Chelmsford - You are an individual
The classes allow you to bond with your baby in a beautiful relaxation time when you can feel baby while floating in water with support of woggles.
Taken October 2019
The Physical Benefits:
Promotes general health to mother and baby.
Brings balance to hormones.
Strengthens and increases your stamina.
Improves your circulation.
Increases your lung capacity, with technique demonstrated for labour.
Water supports the body allowing joints and muscles to move more freely.
Increase flexibility and mobility.
Relieves pregnancy discomfort.
Can help reduce your blood pressure through teaching calmness.
Opens the pelvis while being supported by the water.
Tones abdominal and pelvic floor muscles.
Increases optimum foetal positioning.
Promotes relaxation, calmness and laughter.
The Emotional Benefits:
Feeling Comfortable and increasing laughter.
Bonding with other women.
Learning to feel free.
Feeling the combination of power and release.
Facing fears.
Taking responsibility and gain confidence for the birth.
Calms the mind and emotions.
MOST importantly bond with your baby.
Cost is £55 for 6 week starting from your first night at the class.
Location is Newlands Springs School Pool, Nickleby road, Chelmsford.
Night running Tuesday or Thursday night at 8pm.
Email:- Jan@aqua4baby.co.uk for a space